Shooting Options
Competition Shooting
Big Sky Practical Shooting Club
Practical Pistol competition is offered by the Big Sky Practical Shooting Club (BSPSC). Competition includes U.S. Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) and Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), along with Glock Sports Shooting Association (GSSF) and Shoot Sig events.
Contact Scott Bair with the BSPSC by email at:
Big Sky Practical Shooting Club
Missoula Speed Steel
The MISSOULA SPEED STEEL Match is an easy and fun monthly steel match for new and experienced competitors alike, as well as families, kids, and everyone else. A bit like Steel Challenge (but with its own flare), experienced competitors will have fun at this match, but it's also ideal for bringing your kids, grandkids, spouse, friends and neighbors who might be interested in trying out competitive shooting, but don't yet have the skills, equipment, or ammo budget for full-scale competitive matches.
Competitors who haven't participated in 4 or more organized competitions before (e.g. USPSA, Steel Challenge, IDPA, etc.) must attend the New Shooter Orientation at 10:00am the day of their first Speed Steel match.
Appleseed Project
The Deer Creek Shooting Center also host other shooting events including the Appleseed Project. For more information see:
WMFGA's Mission
The WMFGA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, located in Missoula, Montana. We are a membership-based organization that owns and operates the Deer Creek Shooting Center (DCSC). The mission of the WMFGA is to provide safe and accessible recreational shooting to its members, foster firearm safety, encourage youth shooting opportunities, support and promote wildlife management for sportsmen, and protect Montanans' right to keep and bear arms.
Ways to Support the WMFGA
One-Time Gifts (coming soon)
Other Ways to Support Us (coming soon)
Contact Information
Western MT Fish & Game Association (WMFGA)
P.O. Box 4294
Missoula, MT 59806
406-214-7296 or